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Joseph Steuhl

Upon my shoulders at the very top of my body there sits a mind trapped with thoughts within my head. You were made the same as I, so I hope that you don't mind if I add a few more thoughts to consider. The mind sitting there at the top can be considered the air traffic control center. Thoughts are flying in and around at all times throughout the day and into the night. There are so many things in life that we don't have control over, and we must leave in the hands of God, but one thing that we can have control of is our thoughts. We can determine which ones can land and others that cannot have clearance to land. Sometimes we allow the enemy to land thinking little of it, but we have the authority to ground them from unloading their cargo. The airwaves are full of thoughts constantly placing us on the "RUNWAY OF THOUGHTS ".

When we do permit the thoughts to land, the plane of thoughts converges on the ground becoming a train of thought. Sometimes the train guided by previous tracks, heads in a certain direction and can be a runaway train out of control. If the train does make the station, then they unload on your bus and you carry them around searching for the next bus stop. The discretionary acceptance of thoughts can be very dangerous at times depending on where the thought originated from. That's why it is very important for you, the thought traffic controller, to interrupt with a sobering thought, what is the origin of the flight, and the purpose for landing.

The beginning of thought control originates at the school of thought and to start to think about what you think about.

What is the origin of the thought? Did the thought come from the enemy or did it come from God. Satan tries furiously to land in order that he can pollute your thoughts with anxiety and fear. You first determine whether it is a Godless thought in which a negative connotation is looking to land. Once it has landed then it proceeds to amplify and become overstated. The mind is your landing field and even if you let Satan land, you have the authority of Jesus behind you to have second thoughts about the matter. You then try to realize that whatever problem you are facing, the problem is not the problem, your problem is how you look at your problem.

I am now going to give you a little food for thought that you can keep in the back of your mind. Anxiety comes with life, but it doesn't have to run your life, just because you have a thought doesn't mean that you don't have to give it permission to land. In the control tower you need to recognize and welcome the thoughts of God. You must determine whether it is a God centered thought. A God centered thought will give you inspiration and hope which can be found in the bible, scriptures that were promised to be delivered to you if you only ask for them. Lastly only focus on the facts of the matter, meditate on what is true, not leading yourself down the trail of what ifs for the coming days. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

We all would be very rich if we had a penny for our thoughts every day but hold on to that thought because you are rich in mercy and grace when you share your thoughts with God. It's the thought that counts when you think about God and the people encompassing you. It's your thoughts and prayers to God that will determine who is going to land every day on "THE RUNWAY OF THOUGHTS ".

When my thoughts run way too far

you're the calm for my anxious heart

Jeremy Camp

Just knowing Your mindful of me

Just knowing You call me your child

It's flooding my soul with unspeakable hope

Thank You Lord, that it's me on your mind

Matthew West


Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down

but a good word makes him glad


We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.


Fill your thoughts with my word until they penetrate deep into your spirit


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

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