CLC Cares-SHAPE Test

The SHAPE test helps believers to identify their Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. It is a way to SEEK how the Lord has uniquely created and designed you. This assessment is available in hard copy at the Guest Services Desk, or it can be taken online at: freeshapetest.com (or click the SHAPE picture below). We welcome you to share your results with us by dropping off the last page of the S.H.A.P.E. Assessment at Guest Services. Or, if you choose to take it online, please include the following email when prompted to share your results: clcshaperesults@gmail.com
When you share your results with us we commit to helping you discover where your unique S.H.A.P.E. fits into the ministries of Community Life Church. We do not use this information to force you into any area of ministry or service. We simply want to help you assess how God has gifted and equipped you to serve Him.