Community Life Church Teams. Working together to advance the Kingdom of God!

8 Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. 9  Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 10  As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Peter 4:8-10 NASB
Teams are a vital part of Community Life Church. We have several, where you will be able to serve the people in our church and community. You will be a part of the team and get to know people. If you want to join one, click on the button below and fill out the form. Don't forget your email address or phone number-so we can contact you. We will be in touch! ​

COMMUNITY KIDS. This team ministers to children in the nursery through fifth grade. There are several teams within one team, teachers, snack servers, music video worship, activities team. Tammy Hall and Kerianne Dibbell are our team leaders. They will be in touch once your completed application is received.

GENERATION LIFE CONNECT. This is our newest team-it is under construction right now! They will minister to 12 to 18-year-olds. They will meet weekly, attend conferences and retreats, and just have fun. The current leader for is Pastor Rick and team leaders are forthcoming. If you love this age group, please fill out the application and Pastor Rick will be in contact with you.

CONNECT GROUPS. These are small groups that meet in host homes, on campus rooms, on the golf course, or coffee shop. Anywhere really! Small group leaders teach, mentor, and exemplify the Kingdom of God and Community Life Church. The current Leader is Pastor Rick. Once you fill out the Application, you will be called, and a meeting will be set with Pastor Rick

WORSHIP TEAM. The worship team primarily serves on Sunday, with a practice on Thursday night. There is a particularly important process in place as this ministry is a vital part to the Worship Experience. The Worship Pastor is Tony DelVescovo. Once an application is completed, he will be in contact with you.
COFFEE SHOP. Right now, we serve coffee before our church service. This team will serve coffee and encourage pre-service fellowship. They are responsible to make sure the area is clean, and everything is stocked up. Claude Deidrick, Michele DeBois, and Pastor Rick lead the team. Once you apply, one of them will contact you.

GUEST SERVICES. This team makes sure everyone is greeted when they come through the door. They maintain the service desk and direct folks throughout the campus. The team leader is Shawn Doig. He will be in contact with you once you complete the application.

MAINTENENCE TEAM. This team is responsible for the physical structure, both inside and outside of the building. Teams within the team will be responsible for structural repairs and maintenance, flower beds, the lawn, and snow care. Once an application is completed, the CLC Office will be in contact with you.